Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Theresa Linden: author of faith-filled fiction for children, teens, new adults, and adults.
Battle for His Soul

Theresa Linden
An angel and a demon fight over a troubled teen's soul
1st-place winner of the 2017 Catholic Press Association Teen & YA Book Awards
Jarret West, a rich teenage boy, has been accustomed to having control over others and getting his way. So when his life begins to fall apart, his guardian angel Ellechial hopes now is the time for his conversion. He must be freed from the deep clutches of Deth-kye, the demon bent on seeing him in hell. The fate of several others depends upon Jarret’s conversion. Jarret's twin brother has joined a new prayer group and their prayer before the Blessed Sacrament has made Ellechial strong. Still, Deth-kye wins victory after victory. His weapons: emotions, vices and memories. Who will win the battle for Jarret's soul?
“Teens, maybe more than the rest of us, focus on the here and now. That’s why Battle for His Soul is a must read. It’ll widen your ideas about temptation, prayer, mercy, and God’s call in your life.”
~Carolyn Astfalk, Christian romance writer
“After encountering this novel, you will never again think of angels as being far away!
Another page-turner by an author at the top of her craft.”
~Susan Peek, author of St. Magnus, The Last Viking and other saint stories for teens and children
“This book will get you thinking about the spiritual battle waging all around us, and your guardian angel that fights for you. I have recognized my guardian angel more in my life since reading Battle for His Soul.”
~Lisa Mayer, author of The Arrow Bringer
"I think I have prayed throughout the day to my guardian angel more in the past week since reading this book than for many years combined!... This book gives youth (and adults!) the right idea about our guardian warriors, who are definitely NOT, as Tolkien put it, "a plump lady with swan-wings." It also reminds us forcefully of how hard the devils work to make our souls their slaves. We need to be on our toes, and empower our angels to help us more by constant prayer and watchfulness!"
~Amazon Review
"We get to see this story unfold from a spiritual realm. We actually experience the fight between angels and demons that surrounds not only Jarret and his decisions but all the characters. It’s a fascinating concept to think about what could be happening around us as we go about our lives."
~Amazon Review