Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Theresa Linden: author of faith-filled fiction for children, teens, new adults, and adults.
Helmet of Salvation
Book #5 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

With the threat of dragons on everyone’s mind, George wants to help the knights at the outposts, while his friend Henry wants to collect dragon scales, even at the risk of being tossed out of Knight School. The same day Sir Lucian shares a mysterious object—hidden under a cape in the front of the classroom—dragons are spotted over Knight School for Boys and Girls. Needing reliable helpers, the knights give George a special task. Then George sees Henry sneaking off, and he wants to stop him, but the knights are counting on him. Pulled in so many directions, what’s a page to do? George barely has time to think about earning the next piece of armor: the Helmet of Salvation.
"The Armor of God books delightfully teach children to love and strive after virtue, while entertaining them with interesting stories. I love how this final book in the series helps children to appreciate the Word of God and sparks their interest in learning Bible verses. The powerful lessons in this exciting story are needed by our children to help arm themselves against the enemy of their salvation." young at heart alike will love the stories. The illustrations are fun. And The book leaves you desperate for the next in the series. An excellent first book in what looks like it will be another wonderful series from the masterful pen of Theresa Linden!"
- Sister Mary Roberta, Teacher