Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Books by Theresa Linden
There is no greater reality than the one we can't see, the spiritual side of life.
Let the richness, depth and mystery of the Catholic faith spark your imagination
to the invisible realities and the power of faith and grace.
Theresa Linden: author of faith-filled fiction for children, teens, new adults, and adults.
Breastplate of Righteousness
Book #2 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

George Pennington has some tough choices to make!
He’s a student at the Knights School for Boys and Girls, and he’s already earned The Belt of Truth. Maybe one day he’ll actually become a knight! A storm is coming, and George’s friend Henry needs help. Henry accidentally made a hole in the roof, and they must repair it now! George’s father won’t let him go because of the weather, but his friend really needs him. What is George to do? He must make the right choice because he desperately wants the next piece of armor: The Breastplate of Righteousness.
"The Armor of God books delightfully teach children to love and strive after virtue, while entertaining them with interesting stories. I love how this final book in the series helps children to appreciate the Word of God and sparks their interest in learning Bible verses. The powerful lessons in this exciting story are needed by our children to help arm themselves against the enemy of their salvation."
- Sister Mary Roberta, Teacher